With more than thousands of demand, we are ready to give you computer shortcut keys you and also you will be able to download computer shortcut keys . In this article,100 shortcut keys in computer. I have explained about various types of questions asked by the students of professionals about computer shortcut keys and about their …
What are the shortcut keys?
What are the benefits of using shortcut keys?
Why it is necessary for the student or professionals to use shortcut keys?
How to remember computer shortcut keys?
What are the shortcut keys?
Shortcut keys are we can say a tool by which we jump the number of process at a single click when we talk about the computer shortcut keys then there are thousands of shortcut keys four different purposes when we talk about the types then they are also multiple types of shortcut keys let me site usage example of that. basic shortcut keys.
Microsoft Office shortcut keys Microsoft Excel shortcut keys Here I want to tell you that there are multiple types of shortcut keys that are used in computers for various purposes. Also, shortcut keys are very helpful for computer professionals to work faster with the help of these keys.
What are the benefits of shortcut keys?
There are multiple benefits of shortcut keys you will be able to work faster compared to your going bi process.
you will be able to reduce your time according to your requirements.
You can work in any corporate sector to buy these skills.
Why it is necessary for the student to use shortcut keys?
It is necessary for the student of a professional to use shortcut keys to reduce their time and work.
as you know that in the corporate sector a number of works are there and professionals have to complete it within the stipulated time.
Then the shortcut key is to help them to reduce their time and complete their work within the stipulated time.
How to remember computer shortcut keys?
It is quite easy to remember shortcut keys of the computer the best and fastest way that I recommend you to remember shortcut keys is to practice more and more and interact with the computer .
the more time you spend on the computer the better result you will get. also, let me tell you if it is possible then you should have a computer shortcut keys PDF in download Format.
when you have a computer shortcut key PDF. then you will be able to open anywhere while traveling in the metro or anywhere.
It will be easy for you to open your computer shortcut keys and start reading and remembering it. Initially, you will get not good results but after meanwhile,
you will see that you will be able to compound your speed with the help of shortcut keys and it will recall you as you want to use it according to your work.
Is it beneficial for the students?
Yes, this is beneficial for the students also they should use “computer all shortcut keys pdf” because as you have seen in the school students or your children go to school to study.
a study computer there if they remember the basic shortcut keys and computer shortcut keys. their personality will be developed at that time before the students as well as before the teacher.
so it’s my personal request to let your children remember the basic shortcut keys of the computer.
One more important question is there that is student search computer shortcut keys list in Hindi.
also search computer shortcuts and tricks , where was so different idea to search like computer all shortcut keys, and also show the search computer shortcut keys list .
Basic shortcut keys
Alt + F File menu option
Alt + E Edit option
F1 Universal help for all
Ctrl+A Select all text
Ctrl + X Cut selected item
Shift + Del Cut selected item
Ctrl + C Copy selected item
Ctrl + Ins Copy selected item
Ctrl + V Paste
Shift + Ins Paste
Home Go to beginning of the current line
Ctrl + Home Go to beginning
End Go to end of current Go to end of the current line
Ctrl + End End of document
Shift + Home Highlighting from current position to beginning of the line
Microsoft Windows Shortcut Keys
ALT + Tab Switch between open applications
Alt +Shift+Tab Switch backward between open applications
Alt + Print Screen Create a screenshot for current program
Ctrl + Alt + Del Restart / Windows task manager
Ctrl +Esc Bring up the start menu
Alt +Esc Switch between applications on the taskbar
F2 Rename selected icon
F3 Start find from desktop
F4 Opens the drive selection when browsing
F5 Refresh contents
Alt + F4 Close current program
Ctrl + F4 Close window in program
Ctrl + Plus Automatically adjust the width of all columns in window Explorer
Alt + Enter Open properties window in current program
Shift + F10 Simulate the right click on the selected item
Word Shortcut Keys
Ctrl + A Select all
Ctrl + B Bold text
Ctrl + C Copy text
Ctrl + X Cut text
Ctrl + N Open new / blank page
Ctrl + O Open
Ctrl + P Print option
Ctrl + F Find option
Ctrl + I Italic selected text
Ctrl + K Link insert
Ctrl + U Underline text
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + Y Redo
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + G Go to find and replace
Ctrl + H Go to find and replace
Ctrl + J Justify paragraph alignment text
Ctrl + L Align text or line to left
Ctrl + Q Align paragraph to left
Ctrl + E Align text align to center
Ctrl + R Align text align to right
Ctrl + M Indent paragraph
Ctrl + T Hanging indent in paragraph
Ctrl + D Go to font options
Ctrl + Shift + F Change text font
Ctrl + Shift +> Increase text font + 1
Ctrl + ] Increase text font + 1
Ctrl + Shift + < Decrease text font -1
Ctrl + [ Decrease text font -1
Ctrl + Shift +* View or hide non printing letters
Ctrl + ← Move 1 word to left
Ctrl + → Move 1 word to right
Ctrl + ↑ Move to the starting of the line or paragraph
Ctrl + ↓ Move to end of paragraph
Ctrl + Del Delete text to right of cursor
Ctrl + Backspace Delete text to left of cursor
Ctrl +End Move cursor to last of doc
Ctrl + Home Move cursor to starting of doc
Ctrl + Space Reset highlighted text to normal font type
Ctrl + 1 Single space line
Ctrl + 2 Double space line
Ctrl + 5 1.5 Line spacing
Ctrl + Alt + 1 Change word to heading 1
Ctrl + Alt + 2 Change word to heading 2
Ctrl + Alt + 3 Change word to Heading 3
F1 Open help menu
Shift + F3 Change case of selected word
Shift + Insert Paste text
F4 Repeat last action (MS word 2000 above)
F7 Spell check selected word / or document
Shift + F7 Activate thesaurus
F12 Save as option
Ctrl + S Save option
Shift +F12 Save option
Alt + Shift + D Insert the present date
Alt + Shift + T Insert the present time
Ctrl + W Close doc
Winkey Shortcut
Winkey + D Bring desktop to the top of another window
Winkey + M Minimizes all Windows
Winkey + Shift + M Undo the minimize option done by Winkey + M and Winkey + D
Winkey + E Open Microsoft Explorer
Winkey + Tab Cycle through the open program on the taskbar
Winkey + F Display the search window / find feature option
Winkey + Ctrl + F Display the search for computers window option
Winkey + F1 Display the Microsoft Windows help menu
Winkey + R Open the run window option
Winkey + Pause/Break open the system properties menu
Winkey + U Open utility manager option
Winkey + L Lock computer (Windows XP and later)
Excel Shortcut keys
F2 Edit the selected cell
F5 Go to a specific cell
F7 Spell check selected word / or document
F11 Create chart
Ctrl + Shift +; Enter the current time
Ctrl +; Enter the current date
Alt + Shift + F1 Insert new worksheet
Shift + F3 Open the Excel formula window
Shift + F5 Bring up search box
Ctrl + A Select all contents of worksheet
Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection
Ctrl + I Italicize highlighted selection
Ctrl + C Copy selected text
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + D Fill
Ctrl + K Insert link
Ctrl + F Open find and replace options
Ctrl + G Open go to options
Ctrl + H Open find and replace options
Ctrl + U Underline highlighted selection
Ctrl + Y Underline selected text
Ctrl + 5 Strikethrough highlighted selection
Ctrl + O Open options
Ctrl + N Open new document
Ctrl + P Open print dialog box
Ctrl + S Save
Ctrl + Z Undo last action
Ctrl + F9 Minimize current window
Ctrl + F10 Minimize currently selected window
Ctrl + F6 Switch between open Windows to another
Ctrl + Page Down & Page Up
Move between Excel worksheets in same page
Ctrl + Tab Move between more than two open Excel file
Alt + = Open formula to sum all of above cells
Ctrl + ‘ Insert value of above cell into present cell
Ctrl + Shift + ! Number in comma format
Ctrl + Shift + $ Number in currency format
Ctrl + Shift + # Number in date format type
Ctrl + Shift + % Number in percentage format
Ctrl + Shift + ^ Number in scientific format
Ctrl + Shift + @ Number in time format
Ctrl + → Move to upcoming section of text
Ctrl + Space Select full column
Shift + Space Select full row
Ctrl + W Close doc
Outlook shortcut keys
Alt + S Send the email
Ctrl + C Copy selected text
Ctrl + X Cut selected text
Ctrl + P Open print dialog box
Ctrl + K Complete name / email typed address bar
Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection
Ctrl + I Italicize highlighted selection
Ctrl + U Underline highlighted selection
Ctrl + R Reply to an email
Ctrl + F Forward an email
Ctrl + N Create a new email
Ctrl + Shift + A Create a new meeting to your calendar
Ctrl + Shift +O Open the outbox
Ctrl + Shift + I Open the inbox
Ctrl + Shift + K Create a new work
Ctrl + Shift + C Add new contact
Ctrl + Shift + J Add new journal entry